Mannock Cement and Carbon8 sign Memorandum of Understanding
Carbon8 met with the Mannok team at their cement plant in Derrylin, Ireland, last week. The focus centres on Carbon8's CCUS technology, which can contribute to the success of Mannock’s Emissions Reduction Roadmap. Our teams are in full swing on the feasibility of deploying in 2025, including integrating the carbon-negative materials into Mannok's downstream product divisions.
Carbon8 with the Mannok team at their cement plant in Derrylin
Carbon8's patented technology permanently captures CO₂ produced at the cement plant. It goes beyond carbon capture by transforming by-products generated from cement manufacturing into carbon-negative materials. These are used to make construction products, transforming the built environment into one of Earth's carbon sinks.
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Media contacts
Carbon8 (
Chai Uawithya, Programme Director:
Paul Taylor, Taylor Keogh Communications: +44 (0)7966 782611 /